February 28, 2012

Make decisions based on facts NOT assumptions!

“My facility is worth at least $7.5M.”  I hear this comment from owners almost every single day.  The value is usually based on an old appraisal or based on several “loose” assumptions.  Do you make an assumption of what your long term care facility is currently worth in the marketplace?  Do you know the exact value of your long term care facility? Is it worth "at least $7.5M" or is it $9M or $5M.
As an owner, you are constantly making crucial short and long term strategic decisions.  Imagine how much easier it would be to make these decisions with a true understanding of the market value for your facility?  Is your facility worth $2M, $5M, $10M or $40M?…Wouldn’t it be nice to understand the facts so you can make a decision on a remodel, expansion, refinance, rent increase, or staff increase/decrease. 

We can quickly and confidentially provide a market value with 95% accuracy so you can begin making strategic decisions TODAY!

February 24, 2012

Evans Senior Investments Partners with University of Colorado Leeds School of Business & Evans Scholars Chapter

Evans Senior Investments (ESI) is pleased to announce a strategic partnership with the University of Colorado Leeds School of Business by offering students the opportunity to earn internship credit hours by working with Seniors Housing executives.

Beginning on January 16th, Leeds Schools of Business students and several Evans Scholars have taken part in a rigorous training program that teaches them how to interact with owners of Seniors Housing communities across the country while giving them a full understanding of the business. Each student receives individual and group training sessions to ensure they are competent and will enter the work place with the following competencies: business development, real estate finance, and business etiquette.

Owners of Evans Senior Investments, brothers Jason and Jeremy Stroiman, are Evans Scholar alumni from Indiana University and have made a commitment to continue offering opportunities to deserving students.

“We are extremely excited to create this partnership between ESI and the University of Colorado. Lisa Chambers at the CU Real Estate Center has been a fantastic resource and critical part of this program ensuring that all of the interns earn college credit for this opportunity,” said Managing Partner Jeremy Stroiman. “Our hope is for these students to learn all aspects of the industry and find full-time positions within the industry upon graduation.”

Additionally, with this new partnership, ESI has promoted David Dobek, CU Evans Scholar Alumni, to Director of Business Development.  David’s primary focus will be to oversee this internship program in addition to managing all of ESI’s Business Development from coast to coast.  "I'm excited to start 2012 by executing one of several innovative strategies to originate new business across the country.  This will further expand ESI's goal to exceed our clients’ expectations and have a concentrated presence in every state," said David Dobek.

For more information regarding the Evans Scholarship program or the University Of Colorado Leeds School Of Business please visit the following websites: www.wgaesf.org or www.leeds.colorado.edu

February 22, 2012

Is 2012 the Year?

We all know that it is difficult to time the peaks and valleys of markets; whether it be the stock market, the real estate market or the Seniors Housing market, but there are several factors that create a credible argument that 2012 is the peak of the Seniors Housing market.   Interest rates are at historically low levels giving buyers the ability to secure very inexpensive debt, allowing them to pay a higher price.  There has been a tremendous amount of equity on the sidelines in the last 3 years.  Buyers were hesitant to do any deals with so much uncertainty in the economy, this equity is active and aggressively looking for seniors housing deals.   Lastly, capital gains taxes are at approximately 15%.  This allows a seller the ability to sell and walk away with the highest net proceeds, there are numerous tax advisers that are predicting capital gains tax will drastically increase in the next few years.     

Is 2012 the top of the market?

If you don’t know the precise value of your seniors housing community, please call us.  We can complete a confidential, free analysis of you community so you know what your exit is today.

February 14, 2012

Want to be at the top of our buyer list?

At Evans Senior Investments we're committed to helping our clients.  Whether you're looking to acquire Seniors Housing Facilities or thinking of divesting, we want to help!  Please fill out this quick survey so we can better help to understand your goals for 2012!


February 07, 2012

4th Quarter 2011

In the 4th Quarter of 2011 Evans Senior Investments closed 2 Seniors Housing Transactions West of the Mississippi River. 
To read more about these closings see our press release: 

2011 Roundup

